Camp fire fun!
Year 4 Stringybark Camp
Reading buddies
This week we have been celebrating Literacy and Numeracy week, and have been exploring different books and doing many fun activities. One of the activities that 3/4 R were lucky to do was buddy reading with 1/2 M! The students from 1/2 M came to visit us on Wednesday morning and did some fantastic reading with us. We can’t wait to do it again!
3/4 Science Incursion
On Monday the 13th of August, the Grade 3/4’s were lucky enough to have a Scientist from Melbourne University come and do some amazing science experiments with us.
Ms Pike spoke with us about the forces of gravity and then demonstrated those forces using an egg, toilet roll, carton and a cup of water! (All things you could find at home!).
She then told us about an experiment called “elephant’s toothpaste” where some students got to volunteer to help her mix yeast and water, as well as food colouring, dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide into a bottle. The result was fantastic. Here it is in action!
Suessical the Musical
Wow what a musical! On Wednesday the 25th of July the Year 4 students were lucky enough to travel to the Whitehorse Arts Centre to see the Emmaus production of ‘Suessical’ the musical, and what a fantastic day it was. It was fun, engaging and had lots of energy.
Here are some quotes from the students…
“ The dances were very well done- The wickersham brothers in particular were fantastic. Lucas Faundez was fantastic”
“Cat in the hat was a fantastic character to watch, very engaging and funny. The fortnight/flossing dance was my highlight!”
“The energy from the chorus made the show! Very powerful voices from the principal actors”
“The costumes were excellent”
Although the students missed their lunch break, all agreed it was worth it to see the amazing and talented performers!