Exciting Environmental News from the Art Room

Exciting Environmental News from the Art Room

During Term Three we will be participating in a wonderful program set up by the Melbourne Zoo to help the Gorillas in the wild. As we know these animals are critically endangered due to habitat loss created by us -humans.

The program collects old mobile phones and recycles them. By reusing  parts of the phones, resources found in the jungles are saved. The zoo also raises money from the phone recycling and that money is used to directly help the gorillas.

I am super excited about this program as it will give us an  opportunity to take real action. As the world faces some critical problems we need to realise that everyone of us can make a difference.

Further information will be sent out in Term three but in the meantime start searching out those old phones and feel free to tell friends and neighbours about our endeavour so they can donate their old phones too.

Mrs. Laming

TORCH Bearers of Term 2

TORCH Bearers of Term 2

This afternoon at assembly our TORCH bearers of the term were awarded to one special person in each level who displays each of our TORCH values. Our TORCH values of tolerance (T), optimism (O), respect (R), confidence (C) and honesty (H) are at the heart of what we teach at Holy Trinity and provide our students with practical examples of how to live out of school motto of ‘Love One Another’.

Congratulations to Owen (Prep), Tyler (1/2), Olivia (3/4) and Anneliese (5/6) for being such fantastic recipients of the TORCH Bearers for term 2.

St Vincent De Paul Donations and Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass

St Vincent De Paul Donations and Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass

Over the past few weeks we have been collecting items such as canned and packaged food that does not go off, toiletries, blankets and other items for the people in our community who are not as lucky as we are. The outcome was that we had almost two cars boots full of goods for St. Vincent de Paul. At Mass today we celebrated the Feast of the ‘Sacred Heart’ where we brought up some of these donations during the offertory procession. Fr Longinus taught us about how this feast is a celebration of love we have in our community and how God loves us. The donations we have raised for the poor demonstrates how much we display our school motto of ‘Love One Another’ for those in need. Great stuff everyone on your fantastic fundraising!


2019 Girls Soccer- Winter Sports Round Robin Day 2

2019 Girls Soccer- Winter Sports Round Robin Day 2

On Wednesday the 26th June some of the 5/6 girls represented HT in the Interschool Sports Round Robin competition. Our girls made it into the Division 1 playoffs because we had won our games from the first day of competition a couple of weeks ago. In our first game today we played against Bayswater South which was a really tough game and the final outcome was 1-1. The next game was against St Bernadette’s (we won against them on our first day) and again we won this time 2 – 0. Our final game was against St. Judes which was the game that all the girls wanted to win the most since we are sister schools. Thankfully, we won this game 3 – 0.

Overall the HT girls soccer team tied for district champion and will be off to play in the division championships on the 2nd Wednesday of next term. Great stuff girls on your performance over the two days.

Winter School Sports Round Robin (Boys Football)

Winter School Sports Round Robin (Boys Football)

On Wednesday the 26th of June our boys football team went to Lewis Park to participate in Division 1 boys footy competition. The boys were really fired up for our first game against Kent Park Primary. Unfortunately, we got a bit of a smashing in this game but this did not dampen our spirits for our future games.  In the next game Holy Trinity played Boronia-K-12.  We were tied after the first quarter but slowly Boronia got on top of us and eventually beat us by a couple of goals. In our final game we played our neighbours at St. Judes. St. Judes were in front for the whole game until the last quarter when we  caught up but we left our run a bit late and sadly lost by one goal.

Overall we had a lot of fun playing together as a team over the two round robin days. Thanks to Mr.B for being our coach and for our captain and vice captain for leading us. Great stuff boys!

Winter School sports (Netball)

Winter School sports (Netball)

On the 26th of June some 5/6 children from H.T competed in the second day of Winter School Sports (Netball). We had three teams who participated in this day who were the Aqua,Blue and Cyan team. During the day the Aqua team won 2 out of 3 games, whilst the Blue team won 1 game and drew another and our Cyan team won 1 out of 3 games.

Overall, everyone enjoyed participating in these day and they learnt a lot about playing netball together as a team. Thank you to Miss Nevin and Miss Ryan for the time you took to coach us.

Science Expo in 6 Blue

Science Expo in 6 Blue

Today in 6 Blue the students had an expo that demonstrated our learning in science particularly in the area of energy. Some of the different forms of energy that our class explored included kinetic, potential, solar, wind and hydro energy. Throughout the term our class has researched how energy works and this helped us with the building of our energy models. We were lucky enough to have 3 Yellow come and visit as we displayed our models so that they could test out how they worked.

Here are some photos of our hard working year 6’s and their models…




Congratulations to all of our Year 5 & 6 students on their participation in the SSV Scoresby District Winter Sport Carnivals. All students played in their chosen sport of either Netball, Teeball, Soccer or AFL football over two round robin days. We were all very proud of our students who displayed excellent behavior, sportsmanship, teamwork, skill level and enthusiasm no matter what the match score or final result.




Italian/Performing Arts

Italian/Performing Arts

It has been a very busy term in Italian/Performing Arts lessons! The Preps read a story about Pinocchio and learnt a song and dance. The grade 1/2 students learnt about beat, rhythm and dynamics in music. The grade 3/4 students had lots of fun learning how to play coloured musical tubes called Boomwhackers and the grade 5/6 students were introduced to the ukulele. Check out the photos below:

3/4 Green Screening Projects

3/4 Green Screening Projects

This term in Digitech the students in the 3/4 Level have been exploring using Adobe Photoshop. As part of this topic the students took a variety of different photos in front of our school’s green screen. The students learnt how to remove the green screen background within the photoshop program and then place the person on an alternative background.  One of the important parts during this process was for the students to imagine themselves as if they were actually in that background and try to replicate this in front of the green screen. The students final project required them to recreate an action shot of them doing something they would like to do. Here are the results of our projects …..

Special Artists Group

Special Artists Group

A sneak peek at the awesome artwork our Art Extension students have been creating. They had to work in pairs to create a four letter word to inspire us at HT. They had to coordinate warm and cool colours and use some interesting paint techniques. They worked really well together inspiring and encouraging each other. 🌟

Italian and Holy Trinity Feast Day

Italian and Holy Trinity Feast Day

On Thursday (13th of June), Holy Trinity and St Marys celebrated Trinity Feast Day as well as having Italian Day. At the start of the day we had a parade of our costumes on the basketball court. Lots of students and teachers dressed up in Italian themed clothing. During the day the students coloured in some Italian landmarks as well as learning more about Italian culture. In the mini space students played botchy ball the game is kind of like lawn bowls but for kids. After lunch the whole school gathered in the Community Hall to watch an Italian comedy show. Everyone had a ball!

Overall it was a great day and a big thank you Seniora for organising all the activities.

Winter Sports (Soccer)

Winter Sports (Soccer)

On Tuesday the 11th of June our 5\6 soccer team participated in winter school sports.

The boys soccer team didn’t have the best start losing to St. Bernadette’s 0-6. In our second game we played against Boronia and we smashed them 13-0. In the boys last game we played against Wattleview and it took a lot of our adrenalin to play it. In the first half no one managed a goal but in the second half there wasn’t a goal for a while until we finally got a goal in the last vital seconds of the game. We all celebrated the 1-0 victory.

The girls soccer team firstly played against St. Bernadette’s and they finally won a tough contest 7 to nil. In the second game we played against Boronia K-12 and again we again we won 7 to nil. In our final contest we played against Wattleview and we played a great game winning 10 to nil.

In the end both the Holy Trinity boys and girls made it through into the finals.

Thank you to Mrs Harrison and Mrs Dowling for coaching us.

School Footy (Winter Sports Round Robin)

School Footy (Winter Sports Round Robin)

On Tuesday the 11th of June the 5/6s had winter school sports. I played for the footy team and we played on Lewis Road. The first game we won against St. Bernadettes in tight game where Thomas Anderson kicked the winning goal after the siren. In the second game we played against Boronia K-12 and we lost against them because they were a very good team. In our last game we won against Wattleview which meant that we came second overall in the competition. Overall it was a really fun day and we are looking forward to playing our next round robin in two weeks time.

We want to thank Mr B for coaching us particularly during lunch times.

Amazing Artists

Amazing Artists


Look what the amazing Grade One artists created last week. After reading Clifford the Big Red Dog they drew bright and colourful pups. So proud of their efforts. Here is just a few of them.

2019 Netball – Winter Sports Round Robin Day 1

2019 Netball – Winter Sports Round Robin Day 1

Today (11th of June) some of the girls from the 5/6 level girls competed in our Interschool Winter Sports Netball Tournament  HT had three netball teams, Aqua, Blue & Cyan. We had eight girls in each team and we all played three games. We competed against three other schools, St Bernadettes, Wattleview and Boronia K – 12. Our Aqua team won 2 out of 3 games, our Blue team won all 3 of their games and Cyan won 1 out of 3 games (including a draw in one game). It was a great effort from everyone and we all had a really fun and exciting time.

Thank you to Miss Nevin and Miss Ryan for all your fantastic coaching skills as well as umpiring all the games and supporting us throughout the day. We can’t wait until our next games in two weeks time. 😀

3/4 Digitech Projects

3/4 Digitech Projects

At the moment in Digitech the students in Years 3 and 4 are currently trying to replicate an action shot they have found on the Internet using the our school’s green screen. Examples of such photos include flying through the sky like Harry Potter, trying to defend against Michael Jordan as he flies through the sky and swimming underwater in the Olympics. The students are learning to use Adobe Photoshop to recreate these photos where they use tools such as the magic eraser, cropping, resizing and adjusting the lighting to help make their photos look as realistic as possible. The amount of effort that each student (and their family) has gone to bring along clothing and equipment for these photo shoots has been outstanding and I thank everyone for their tremendous support with this project.

Here are some of the students having their green screening photos taken this week.

Art Show ….. Sneak Peek

Art Show ….. Sneak Peek

This years our Art Show theme is Feathers, Fins and Fur. The show will be taking place in term 3 (week 10) so the students are busy preparing their pieces of art to showcase during this event.

Here is a sneak peek of what the Grade 1’s have been working on. You’ll see lots of animals. Shhhhh!!!!!!

SSV Scoresby District Cross Country Carnival

SSV Scoresby District Cross Country Carnival

On Friday (last week) 10 boys and 10 girls from years 4, 5 and 6 travelled by bus to the Knox Athletics track to compete in District Cross Country.  Each age group had about 150 students compete with the under 10 students completing a 2km course whilst the under 11 and 12’s completed a 3km course. Everyone tried their best when they raced and overall we had 11 students from Holy Trinity make it to the next level of competition which is Division level. In the Scoresby Division our school (Holy Trinity) ended up coming 2nd out of the 8 schools that competed.

Well Done Everyone Who Raced.