🎄Christmas Carols Night🎄

🎄Christmas Carols Night🎄

Carols night was an amazing, fun experience for everyone with lots of singing and dancing. It was a perfect event to get the whole of the Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s community into the holiday Christmas spirit. It was an event we have been waiting for a long time and with COVID affecting the past two years we have not been able to gather for concerts. Not only was this the first school carols night for our Prep students but also for our year one and two students. Our carols night took place on the basketball court instead of the oval due to the ongoing rain we had been having throughout the week.

Each year level did an amazing job with their performance and everyone’s Christmas outfits were fabulous.  It was a nice way to farewell our year 6s and the departing staff and students.

Thank you to Seniora Formichelli for all her hard work with helping us to prepare for the evening and to her family for helping to set up all the sound equipment so that everyone could get into the spirit of the night.

Twilight Sports

Twilight Sports

On Thursday 1st December, Holy Trinity and St Mary’s students and families gathered for our annual Twilight Sports. Bunarong (Yellow), Mackay(Blue), Dominic (Red) and MacKillop(Green) competed in various events to win the overall Twilight Sports shield for 2022.

It was a fantastic night with everyone thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to gather again after missing out on Twilight Sports since 2020.

The final event of the evening was where the year 6s ran the Fran Rascas run. This is a special race held just for the year 6 students who run around the school to remember Fran Raskas who was a parent who did a lot for our school community many years ago. The overall winners of the Fran Rascas race were Nathan for the boys race and Abbey won the girls race.

At the end of the evening MacKillop was announced as the overall winners of the event. Well done everyone in the MacKillop team!

Thank you to  all the parents, staff and especially Mr. D for helping to organise such an enjoyable event for everyone.

By Zac and Sean

Here are some of the photos from our Twilight Sports evening …

Digitech Financial Unit

Digitech Financial Unit

Over the past month the year 5 and 6 students have been developing their skills with using a spreadsheet as part of our financial unit in Digitech. One part of this unit involved us students having to apply for a job by completing a letter of application and personal resume. All students who completed their job application got a job although there were a few students that had to go on a job seeker allowance because they did not finish their application. Once jobs were assigned the students had to calculate how much they would get paid then take away deductions such as tax, superannuation as well as other expenses such as insurance, food and transport. We kept a record of all of this using our spreadsheets which was much easier when we learnt to use the different formulas.

Here is a picture of my spreadsheet calculating the earnings of a computer programmer.

Year 5 Lego

Year 5 Lego

This term the year 5’s have been doing Lego sessions with Mr Mullavey. The year 5’s had loads of fun building a variety of Lego models including an electric mixer, a helicopter and a chronoscope. We even built a wind power plant that we coded using the Wedo program on our Chromebooks. Lots of groups even got the power plant to work automatically!

Here are some pictures from our Lego sessions this term……

Colour Fun Run

Colour Fun Run

On a bright and sunny Friday afternoon late in November our school held the long awaited colour fun run. The students wore their white T-shirts to school for the day so that they could be covered in all kinds of coloured powder. There was water and fun obstacles throughout the oval and as we made our way through each of these we got covered in corn flower. At the end of the obstacles there was a wet tarp were children slid on their bottom, knees, belly and backs. All students got to participate in the event and afterwards everyone got to enjoy an icy pole. Everyone had a blast and even Mr Harvey went sliding too. A huge amount of money was raised from this event which will be used on various projects around the school.

It was a perfect day and we are very thankful to our parent community for organising this event.


Year 5 Leadership Day

Year 5 Leadership Day

Recently, the year 5’s had a special day together where we learnt about leadership. This is in preparation for the year 5 students soon becoming the new year 6 leaders in 2023 and the additional responsibilities that come with this. We were lucky to have Miss Humphris and Mr Scutt come to speak to us about  leadership and some good examples of who leaders are. We learned how leaders can be good at reading others and Mr Scutt showed how good a leader he is by outsmarting everyone.

The school also provided food for us during the day which was amazing! We got muffins, pizza, juice and icy poles. We also played games related to leadership.

Overall, it was the best day ever.

Here are some of the photos from our recent leadership day…..

Christmas Cooking

Christmas Cooking

On Wednesday the 7th of December the Year 5 were lucky to have the opportunity to do some Christmas cooking. Ms Lauritsen taught us how to make some coconut ice (Christmas style) and some of the ingredients included rice bubbles, condensed milk, sugar, coconut and food colouring. The year 5 students had a lot of fun with the cooking activities and we all got one slice of coconut ice to give to our family as well as a card that we wrote for them.

This is what our Christmas cooking looked like after it was wrapped …..

Build a bridge and get over it!

Build a bridge and get over it!

For our inquiry in grade 3/4 this term, we learnt all about bridge design and technology. We learnt about the purpose of bridges as well the types of bridges such as suspension, beam, arch and cantilever. Bridges make driving, walking or any type of transport easier.

The year 3 and 4 teachers gave the students a mission to ‘build a bridge and get over it!’

We used various materials to build our bridges which we shared at assembly last week.

Here are some photos of how we made our bridges.

By June and Brodie



Even though the  garden was very quiet over Winter we still managed to harvest a bumper crop of snow peas and about 4 good sized beetroot! However, the turnips weren’t quite as we’d expected! Let’s just say they got a little ‘too friendly’! This apparently happens when the soil is too compacted for them to grow freely.  The children really enjoyed picking and eating the snow peas straight from the vines! Yum! We also grew a great crop of spring onions that I didn’t take photos of.

Time Capsule Reveal

Time Capsule Reveal

On Sunday, a seemingly odd day for school, students returned to their place of learning from 12:00 – 2:30 for the Time Capsule Reveal!!!

The original time capsule includes some of the following …. photos of us with our buddies, our favourite HT memories, a signed school t-shirt, a signed collage, a class photo, a book of special people, a book of careers and their fav memories and the preps added a book of photos and drawings of them doing their future careers.

Here are some awesome photos of this magnificent milestone.

Fabulous Fish with Feelings

Fabulous Fish with Feelings

This week the fabulous Grade 2 artists created Fish. They used colour, lines and shapes to create a fish that conveyed a feeling. See if you can guess the feelings. 
These artworks made me feel happy, amazed and grateful for my wonderful students. 😊🤩🥰

Wonderful Grade One Artists

Wonderful Grade One Artists

The amazing Grade one artists created artworks that showed an emotion this week. They used line, colour and shapes to create a ghost artwork that conveyed an emotion of their choice. 
All of these made me feel really happy 😆 





The Book Fair was a huge success!

The children had an exciting time looking at all the books and filling in their wish lists. The total sales amounted to just over $5600!!

This equates to nearly $1700 worth of new resources for the library!

I am blown away by the generosity of parents and I want to say a huge thank you for supporting the book fair! Our goal of $4000 worth of sales was well and truly smashed!


The winners of our book fair competitions were announced on Friday 4th November!

Prep:    Madison Lepore Prep Yellow

Year 1: Matilda Bell 1 Blue

Year 2: Courtney Ioannides 2 Blue

Each of these students won a $10 voucher to spend at the book fair!

Students in years 3-6 needed to guess the amount of pages in these 5 books. 

There were 1633 pages in total.

Each of these students won a $15 voucher to spend at the book fair!

Year 3 Blue: Hudson Booth

Year 3 Yellow: Fred Humble

Year 4 Blue: Madison Stephens

Year 4 Yellow: Ava Bornman 

Year 5 Blue: Tyler Gleeson

Year 5 Yellow: Dekyn Foley-Johnson

Year 6 Blue: Mya Devlin

Year 6 Yellow: Angel Jacobs

Each winner has received a $15 voucher to spend at the book fair.

Enchanted Maze Garden

Enchanted Maze Garden

On Thursday 3rd of November we went on an excursion to the Enchanted Adventures. This was part of our learning in literacy & inquiry about bridges.

We got to go on the tube slide and it was really fun because there was a big drop. We also went on a rope playground called a Sky Scramble. It was exciting because you were above the ground. We went in small groups through the mazes. We had to find our way out of the mazes, which had some different types of bridges.

We also got to cross some bridges like the canopy walk, which was a suspension bridge.

We had the best time because the weather was good and we got to experience new things.

– Vienna & Taya



The children were soooo excited to come to the Book Fair! Look out for your child/ren’s wish list in their school bag. On their wish list you will see the item name, the price and the location (BC1 or table). BC or bookcase indicates which number bookcase the item/s are from. Below you will see photos of all the bookcases (numbered at the top) so that you can see what your child/ren would like to buy. There is no obligation to buy, however every purchase earns the school a commission, which allows us to purchase more resources for the library. Please use this link to make a purchase  https://parentpayments.scholastic.com.au/BookFairs; write the receipt number on the back of the wish list. This year we are also accepting cash payments. Give the wish list to your child to bring back to school and I can then send the items home. If there are any items that parents would like to purchase as gifts, or for any queries please email me at whoneysett@htws.catholic.edu.au (or call the school after 2pm each day) and I can make arrangements for you to pick them up. Some of the more popular items may sell out quickly, so they will be placed on backorder and sent home ASAP!  Thank you for your support!


Zart Art Gallery

Zart Art Gallery

Congratulations to the Grade 5 artists and the Year Six Art Leaders whose Modroc Totem animals have been accepted to be exhibited at the zart art gallery. The gallery is above the shop in Lexton Road Box Hill North.

Year 3 Enchanted Adventure

Year 3 Enchanted Adventure

On Thursday, Year 3 set off to Enchanted Adventure as part of our unit on bridges.
We had so much fun exploring the canopy walk that had wobbly wooden and mesh bridges.
We also saw concrete and pebble bridges in the amazing mazes.
Though most of all we loved the tube sliding, where we also explored force by sliding very fast down plastic tubing which was like a bridge.
We had a fantastic day exploring different types of bridges and how they can be used in something so fun!!!