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Socktober : FAQs

What is World Mission Month?

October marks World Mission Month which celebrities the global work of the Church who support those in need around the world. As a Catholic school we are responding the call of Pope Francis, to be a witness of love in the world.

Pope Francis, in his 2022 World Mission Sunday message, invites everyone to answer the call to be missionary, sharing that “Mission is carried out together, not individually…”.

Mission in action is never confined to a single person or to the present moment, but extends through communities, across generations, and eternally.

Catholic Mission – Reach Out! Give Life!

The Year 5 students have spent time in class learning about mission. 

The Catholic Mission agency contributes funding and provides project support to critical church-run initiatives in Africa, Asia, Oceania and South America, as well as remote dioceses within Australia.

Year 5 Fundraising effort

After learning all about mission the students have planned and organised a fundraiser to acknowledge and support the work of Catholic Mission.  The fundraiser encourages the students and our school community to think not only of what they will do to help, but why they will do it.

Our Year 5 students have demonstrated teamwork, fairness, compassion and effort when planning and preparing the fundraiser. There will be three activities which students can participate in. The activities are a “silly sock” design competition, a soccer goal shootout competition and of course wearing “Silly Socks“! All activities are happening on Friday 4th November.