Farewell to Rosemary (Our School Crossing Lady)

Farewell to Rosemary (Our School Crossing Lady)

Last Friday Rosemary (Our Wonderful School Crossing Lady) had her last day serving the HT & St. Mary’s Community as our crossing lady. She has been been keeping hundreds of children (and adults) in our community safe whilst crossing Riddell Road going for 8 years. Rosemary always greeted our families with a friendly smile (rail, hail or shine) and will be sadly missed in our community. We wish her all the best for the future as she spends more time with her family.





Starting last week at Holy Trinity was an exciting experience. Everyone was extremely friendly and helpful. It was challenging not only to learn the names of the children in my new class but also to learn the names of the teachers and the grades they teach.  I am still learning names! It might take me a while so I do apologize!

Even though Holy Trinity is very different to my old school, I have discovered that at the end of the day kids are kids! The children have adapted to me very well and have been eager to help me whenever they can.

I am glad to be part of the Holy Trinity community and I am looking forward to being involved in the activities and special events for the remainder of the year.

Emmaus ‘Hairspray’ Musical

Emmaus ‘Hairspray’ Musical

Today the Year 5 students went to watch the dress rehearsal of Hairspray.  Taylor Paull an ex student of Holy Trinity played lead role of Tracey and Lucas Faundez played one of the Colour Crew.  Their singing and acting skills were exceptional.  It was absolutely amazing to watch them on stage.  Our students were the most well behaved of all the schools present and should be proud of themselves.

Prep ‘Toys In Motion’ Incursion

Prep ‘Toys In Motion’ Incursion

Yesterday we had a special visitor from Monash University. We learnt about lots of different invisible forces such as push and pull, friction, gravity, tension and torque.

We had a fun morning and enjoyed learning new knowledge about how objects move.

‘A world without Maths’

‘A world without Maths’

This term all the 1/2’s are learning about multiplication. Our class has learnt lots about multiplication from ‘Multiplication boy’ and ‘Divider girl’. These videos have helped us to understand how skip counting, repeated addition and multiplication are linked. 

Literacy Circles

Literacy Circles

Level  4 will begin Level Literacy reading circles next week.

They have been rehearsing the various roles and conducting practice sessions.

The students will have the opportunity to select the novel they read from a list. They are required to consider which novel is both interesting to them and is a good fit. Here is an example of one of the roles the students will focus on during the next month. Discussion Director

What happens at lunch time in the playground?

What happens at lunch time in the playground?

Have you ever wondered what happens during a regular lunchtime play. Here are a group of girls who decided to get creative today and put together a dance routine. Amazing what our kids can do isn’t it?

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

On Friday May 6 the mothers of our community gathered together to share a very special Mother’s Day breakfast. The Community Space was redesigned into a restaurant arrangement together with the round tables, cake and white table clothes. We had a huge turn out of mothers which helped to make the day even more special.

Afterwards each class shopped for their precious mothers and we are very lucky to have so many very talented mothers in our community to make all this wonderful stuff.

We hope all of our Mum’s have a very special Happy Mother’s Day!!



1/2’s Excursion

1/2’s Excursion

The 1/2 Level is very excited to be heading off to the Healesville Sanctuary today on a beautiful Wednesday morning. We hope they have lots of fun and learn a lot about Sustainability for their Inquiry topic.

The 1/2’s are off to Healesville Sanctuary!!!

The 1/2's are off!!!
