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Category: 1/2 Posts

Learning about Lions in 1/2M

Learning about Lions in 1/2M

In 1/2M we are learning how to write an information report and we have been learning about lions. We have done lots of research about lions. We have learned that lions live in a group called a pride and they are carnivores which means that they eat meat. The male lions have manes and they eat first because they need energy to protect their family. Lions are mammals and they feed their cubs milk. Some of the keywords we are using in our information reports are habitat, carnivore, omnivore, herbivore, breeding and endangered. The photo of the lions was taken in Africa by Miss McGing and we labelled it with their features. We are having lots of fun taking turns labelling photos on the Interactive TV.
Written by 1/2M

Let’s read about Diversity!

Let’s read about Diversity!

On the 23rd of November, 5/6 W, 1/2MC and 1/2C gathered together in the library to share books that show Diversity. The 5’s and 6’s each got assigned to a couple of the 1/ 2’s each and shared our thoughts on diversity in our library books. The 1’s and 2’s listened to what the 5/ 6’s had to say and they answered questions they asked. The next activity was to find a book on the shelves that showed diversity. The 1/ 2’s task was to show the older students where the diversity was and to prove it using the text or illustrations. The 1/ 2’s did very well answering the questions and proved their thoughts about diversity in picture books quite well. They showed deep thinking and were well behaved. The 5/6s enjoyed sharing their learning and spending their afternoon with the 1/2s.

By Chloe and Rosh (5/6W)

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Experiences of Sudan with the 1/2 Level

Experiences of Sudan with the 1/2 Level

The 1/2 Level was lucky enough to have a very special presentation with Akuach & Mach Yout’s parents today who taught us about how life in Sudan is different from that in Australia. It was really interesting learning about how children learn in the schools of Sudan, how the people of Sudan don’t celebrate birthdays each year like we do in Australia and also about how children can work in Sudan from as young as 5 years old. Mr. Yout even served in the army at just 11 years old! Sudan sounds like an amazing place to live.

We thank Mr. and Mrs. Yout for coming to share their wonderful experiences with us.



1/2 African Drumming Incursion

1/2 African Drumming Incursion

Yesterday all the Grade 1/2’s had a special incursion for our Inquiry unit, ‘Diversity’ in the MPR. 
We learnt about the different types of drums and instruments used in Africa.  Each student got to play a ‘Djembe’ drum, and show off their dancing skills in small groups. We all hadwonderful time learning about Africa, its music and dancing.

Nick “It was very interesting because I’ve never really seendrum like that before.”
Flynn “It was good and funny. I liked it.”
Chloe “It was fun and I liked how the drum they played, was used to communicate.”
Marlee “I liked that we got to dance and that we got to do a beat with the drums.”



Bucket fillers in 1/2 R

Bucket fillers in 1/2 R

In 1/2 R this week we have been learning how to be a bucket filler.
We read “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” And discussed how we fill each other’s buckets by saying and doing kind things to each other. We also learnt about bucket dippers. Are you a bucket filler or a bucket dipper?
Parents are invited to fill their child’s bucket with a little positive message.


A Great Beginning to Literacy and Numeracy Week

A Great Beginning to Literacy and Numeracy Week

We had fun today for Literacy and Numeracy week when we went to all of the 1/2 classrooms. In Mrs Campbell’s class we did measuring, in Miss McGing’s class we played ‘Location Location’ and used a grid and we did some mapping, in Mrs Capron’s we played a number game and with Miss Ryan we made play dough fractions. We had a great time doing the activities because we got to do lots of maths.

Yesterday we did a level book swap where we shared our favourite books from home and we also did a whole school number activity.

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Student Voice Heard for our New Playground

Student Voice Heard for our New Playground


The 1/2s have been busy giving Mr Mutimer some ideas for the new playground by making models. We really liked making our playgrounds and being innovative. Being innovative means creating and making stuff in our minds and improving things.

When we spoke to Mr Mutimer he said, “There are some great ideas, but we can’t do them all.”

We tried our best and we didn’t give up when we had problems.

Written by 1/2R

1/2 Inquiry rotations – Innovation

1/2 Inquiry rotations – Innovation

On Tuesday, all of the Grade 1/2 students participated in rotations to create different pieces of playground equipment. There were 4 rotations; See-saws with Mrs Campbell, tunnels with Miss McGing, swings with Mrs Capron and round-abouts with Miss Ryan. The focus of these rotations was how to be innovative, creative and work effectively in groups. Everyone had a wonderful time creating their playground equipment and can’t wait to design and create their own, over the coming weeks.



‘A world without Maths’

‘A world without Maths’

This term all the 1/2’s are learning about multiplication. Our class has learnt lots about multiplication from ‘Multiplication boy’ and ‘Divider girl’. These videos have helped us to understand how skip counting, repeated addition and multiplication are linked. 

1/2’s Excursion

1/2’s Excursion

The 1/2 Level is very excited to be heading off to the Healesville Sanctuary today on a beautiful Wednesday morning. We hope they have lots of fun and learn a lot about Sustainability for their Inquiry topic.

The 1/2’s are off to Healesville Sanctuary!!!

The 1/2's are off!!!
