It has been a great week of remote learning this week in Italian/Performing Arts lessons! The grade 5/6 students learnt about Leonardo da Vinci and mirror writing. They were set the challenge of creating a sentence in Italian about themselves and presenting it in mirror writing.

Check out some of the mirror writing that they came up with! Can you work out what it says?

The Preps have been learning about Le parti del corpo – the body parts. They were given the challenge of creating Signor Patata – Mr Potato Head using an interactive google slide. Check out some of their creations!

Class stars of the week:

Prep Blue: Primrose and Ryder

Prep Yellow: Lily, Hazel and Giselle

The grade 1/2 students revised the numbers in Italian and played some online interactive games to practice. They did a great job! Fantastico!

Class stars of the week:

1 Blue: Patrick S

1 Yellow: Evie B

2 Blue: Zara R

2 Yellow: Owen S

The grade 3/4 students continued with the online Languagenut program.  3 Yellow are undefeated champions with an amazing score of 369,800 points!!!!

Keep up the AMAZING work everyone!

Ciao Signora Formichelli

Awesome Artists and Adorable Pets

Awesome Artists and Adorable Pets

Another wonderful day meeting Pets and drawing or creating pets. I met Howie, Titan, Comet, Murphy, Kirra, Rosie, Archie, Pearl, Gus and more. I loved meeting the Grade 2 and Grade 4 student’s pets. Here is a selection of their amazing artworks. Super work!





Amazing Artists and Awesome Animals

Amazing Artists and Awesome Animals

Today we met some more cats and dogs in our Year 5 and Year 6 zoom meeting. We met Queen Pearl, Barney, Ben, Roughie, Goldie, Rosie and many more. (I should have kept a list) Such lucky humans to share our lives with these sweet but often naughty creatures. Thank you to our wonderful Year 5 and 6 students, you created some joy today.

Here are just a few of the artworks created as well.



BOOK WEEK August 21st to August 27th

BOOK WEEK August 21st to August 27th



August 21st to August 27

This year’s Book Week theme is 

Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds.  

Although we can’t be together in person to celebrate Book Week this year…we can celebrate by sharing some of our favourite books and listening to the shortlisted books online. 

Please scroll down the following DOC to view the shortlisted books and VOTE for you favourite!!!

There is also a competition to enter if you upload a picture of your favourite character or scene from your favourite shortlisted book….HAVE TO BE IN IT TO WIN!!!!!   Read below to find details…..

Amazing Pets and Amazing Artists

Amazing Pets and Amazing Artists

In today’s  Zoom Lesson we had the opportunity to meet some  pets. We had lizards, a budgie, fish, cats and dogs. I met Muffin, Barkley, River and many more. Then everyone created a pet artwork. Here is a selection of the awesome artworks .

Digitech ‘Draw Your Favourite Room’

Digitech ‘Draw Your Favourite Room’

Last week in Digitech the students used the Google Drawings application to draw their favourite rooms. They learnt about how to draw using the different shapes available in the program as well how to label and colour these shapes. There was a great variety of rooms drawn including bedrooms, games rooms, living rooms and one student even drew their shed. We noted the importance of not only drawing the different items in the room but labelling these as well.

I was very impressed with the standard of the drawings and I thank all the students (and their parents) for their hard work with completing these drawings.

Here is a small selection of the great pictures that were created of our favourite rooms ……

Prep Drawings

Year 1 Drawings

Year 2 Drawings

Year 3 Drawings

Year 4 Drawings

Year 5 Drawings

Year 6 Drawings



Last week (week 5 of remote learning)  the students in year 3-6 were set the challenge of completing some language learning modules in an online program called LANGUAGENUT. Each class and each individual student is awarded points as they complete each language module and also awarded a gold, silver or bronze for their efforts. We are also given a world ranking against other schools and countries.

The students rose to the challenge magnificently so I have chosen some remote learning stars of the week! Check out the list below:


3 YELLOW with a whopping score of 203,800! What an awesome effort from 3 Yellow!

Top students from each class:

3 Blue – Charlize C

3  Yellow – Wyatt C

4 Blue – Amelia F

4 Yellow – Ella V

5 Blue – Angel J

5 Yellow – Abbey G

6 Blue – Lucy G

6 Yellow – Josh G





Keep up the great work everyone!

Ciao Signora Formichelli


Minecraft Club

Minecraft Club

This year our Digitech Leaders have been running a Minecraft Club for students in Years 3, 4 and 5. Each Monday the Digitech leaders gather together in the Tech Lab to plan lessons that are engaging for the students and also give the Minecraft Club members some really good skills when navigating through different types of worlds that they will encounter when using Minecraft.  We try not to do too much talking when we are teaching to maximise students enjoyment time. It was really wonderful seeing all of the students having fun. Sometimes we organise different competitions in some of our Minecraft sessions where the winner gets to enjoy some free time with a friend in the tech lab on Monday whilst the Digitech leaders are planning our next session.

Once we return to school the Digitech leaders are planning to run an advanced Minecraft Club for interested students who either have been involved in a school Minecraft club in the past or play Minecraft outside of school. We have some ideas for the upcoming Minecraft Club sessions like Minecraft Club students vs Digitech leaders in a PVP and a parkour session which is like a ninja warrior course but in Minecraft. In addition, to our advanced club we will be also running a new Minecraft club for younger students and beginners.  

Mr. M and the Digitech leaders will be coming around to classes to tell everyone about these sessions. All interested students will have an opportunity to apply for either our advanced or beginner Minecraft sessions once we return to school.


Remote Artists Creating at Home

Remote Artists Creating at Home

Just some of the awesome artworks from today’s  Remote Lessons. Well done everyone.
Brightening our days.


Grade 3

Why is Blue Dog, Blue             

 Grade One

‘In a Jar’Jar of Memories  

Feelings Monster

 Secondary Colour Fish

Assembly, Term 3, Week 4

Assembly, Term 3, Week 4

Welcome to our virtual assembly for this week…

or watch the captioned version here:

Congratulations to all of our award and prize winners – assembly was recorded before lockdown yesterday, so your certificates and prizes will be waiting for you when you return to school.

Stay safe everyone and have a great weekend!

Winter School Sports (T-Ball)

Winter School Sports (T-Ball)

Late last term students from Years 5 and 6 represented HT at T-ball. We won all 3 of our games with two of our games being close against Knox Park and Wattleview. In the final game we played Kent Park and won a bit more comfortably. It was great how after each game we shook hands with the other team and said GG (which means good game).

As a result of winning all three game we have qualified to play in the Division competition against the other winners of the District Competitions. This will take place on Thursday of this week.

Overall, we had a great time and are thankful to the other teachers and parents who helped with training and with running the day.

Winter School Sports (Netball)

Winter School Sports (Netball)

Late last term, a group of year 5 and 6 girls were chosen to represent HT in the Interschool Sports Netball Championships. decided to compete in the Netball. In the first game our team played Boronia K-12 and we won 3 to 1. In the  second game we played against Wattleview and we won 15 to 5. In our third and final game we played Knox Park and won again 14 to 3 meaning that we ended up winning all 3 games!

Overall, everyone enjoyed playing and was happy with how well we had played. We all learnt lots about how to play netball which was an amazing experience!  Also a big thanks to Mrs Rocha, Carly (Lyla’s mum) and Mrs Jekle for taking us there and to Mr D for training us!

Winter schools sports (AFL Mixed)

Winter schools sports (AFL Mixed)

Late last term a group of 5/6 students represented HT at the Interschool Sports for AFL. These games took place at the Fairpark ground on Lewis Road and overall we won two games and lost one. Sadly, we didn’t make it through to the Division playoffs but we still had lots of fun and did a great job with representing HT with so much pride. A big thanks must go to our wonderful parents who assisted with the day as well as Mr. B and Mr. D for helping to organise the day.

Here are some pictures of us in action …..

Winter School Sports (Soccer)

Winter School Sports (Soccer)

At the end of last term (Wednesday 26th June) a 5/6 boys and girls team represented Holy Trinity Interschool Sports for soccer. Both teams played extremely well with the boys making it through to the Division playoffs after winning all of our games. In the first game the HT boys played against Knox Park and after a tight early contest we won reasonably comfortably keeping them at 0. In our second game we played St. Judes and despite being 0 to 3 down at one stage we were able to achieve a remarkable comeback and win 4-3. In our final game the HT boys played against Scoresby and again we were able to win by a comfortable margin ensuring that we made it through to the Division championships.

The HT girls also played very well winning their first game against Knox Park and second game against St. Jude’s and in a close game they went down to Scoresby in their final game. This was a great achievement considering how many of our girls played their first competitive games on this day.

Overall, both HT soccer teams did themselves and our school proud with their performance and the way they represented our school on this day. Well done HT!!!!

Cyber Safety Show

Cyber Safety Show

Hi everyone,

There is a special ‘live’ cyber safety presentation by Martin McGauran who will be working with our students later on this term. Today’s presentation is aimed at the Prep to Year 2 students but anyone can attend and I’m sure you will be entertained by Marty and his puppet. The presentation begins at 12 pm and will last for approximately 40 minutes. All you need to do to join is click on the link below. Enjoy!!!!