It has been another wonderful week in Italian/Performing Arts! This week we had a bit of a “masterchef’ challenge! The Prep/1/2 students had the opportunity to bake some bear cookies, if they were unable to do the baking they had the option of making an origami bear and the 3-6 students made ‘una pizza rustica’ – an authentic rustic pizza.

Our stars of the week for week 9 are:

The Prep star of the week is: Ashan

The grade 1/2 stars of the week are: Yianni, Madelyn, Oliver T, Samantha C, Lakshmi and Lauren.

The grade 3/4 stars of the week are: Gloria, OliviaH, Pierre, Cara G, Chantal and Ella V.

The grade 5/6  stars of the week are: Liv, Mya, Tazio, Sunny and Lucy.

Check out some photos that students sent in:

Ciao Signora Formichelli

Online STUDENT Cyber Safety Sessions- Monday Sept 13

Online STUDENT Cyber Safety Sessions- Monday Sept 13

Teaching children to be cybersafe will help them to engage with the online world safely, responsibly and discerningly and can assist to protect them from online risks.

Sometimes children are faced with online situations that they simply don’t know how to handle. As a school we recognise the importance of Cyber Safety education. Therefore, children are taught the knowledge and skills they need to prevent cyberbullying, protect their personal information and how to deal with inappropriate images or behaviours they see online.

To complement the Cyber Safety education that we currently teach at school, Shannon Mullavey has organised sessions with Inform & Empower, who presented to parents earlier this year. Rather than wait until we can conduct these sessions onsite with the students, they will now be held Online. We require students to attend the Incursion session designated to their level. Teachers have built the Cyber Safety Sessions into the student’s learning next week (see Learning Grids).

Online Cyber Safety Sessions Monday September 13

  • 9.30 to 10.50 am – Years 5 & 6 – 80 min
  • 11.40 am to 1.00 pm – Years 3 & 4 – 80 min
  • 2.00 pm to 2.45 pm – Preps, 1’s & 2’s – 45 min (Yes Preps can attend as well)

COST: FREE (covered by School Budget)

Parents, where possible, are asked to watch the Online Cyber Safety Session with their child/ren. We encourage a family discussion after the session to reinforce the learning that the children have been involved in.

 Click here to enter Online Cyber Safety Session/s

Year 2 Narrative Writing

Year 2 Narrative Writing

Year Two students have worked hard to write some amazing Personal and Imaginative Narratives. Here are some students published writing! They have started their writing with a sizzling start and they have used some amazing “WOW” words to help describe the character and setting.
We hope you enjoy reading them.

Cute Complimentary Coloured Birds

Cute Complimentary Coloured Birds

Wonderful Grade One artists created cute as a button birds this week.  They were encouraged to use one colour for the bird and the complimentary colour as the background. They did a super job, sometimes the rainbow calls and it’s hard to confine yourself to two colours and that’s the benefit of being an artist, there are no rules. I love them all.

SRC – New School Uniform

SRC – New School Uniform

This term our SRC (Student Representative Council) have been regularly meeting to work through what our new school uniform might look like in 2022 and beyond.

Over the past couple of weeks we shared some of our wonderful ideas including labelling our designs.

Some of ideas included introducing a tie, having a hoodie and creating a uniform that can be worn by both girls and boys and having just one uniform that is a bit more ‘sporty’ and can be worn on both PE and non PE days.

We would love you to add your thoughts about the below designs into the comment section of this post.

Here are some of the designs that our SRCs came up with …..

Wonderful Worry Monsters

Wonderful Worry Monsters

Grade Three and Four artists created wonderful worry monsters.this week in Remote Art.

They drew sock puppet monsters or made an actual sock monster. They really look amazing such vibrant  colours and so many details and patterns.

Well done on creating some of the cutest Worry Monsters.

Wonderful work


Week 8 Italian/Performing Arts Online Stars of the Week!

Week 8 Italian/Performing Arts Online Stars of the Week!

It has been another fantastic week in Italian/Performing Arts!

This week the Preps revised the numbers 1-10. The Prep star of the week is: Anishka

The grade 1/2 students listened to a story called Orso marrone cosa vedi? – Brown Bear what can you see?  and learnt a new dance. It was great to see the videos of them dancing! The grade 1/2 stars of the week are: Ria, Yianni, Courtney and Chiara.

The grade 3/4 students continued working on an online investigation about Italy – this week they listened to a story called La macchinetta rossa – the little car. The car went on a race around Italy and visited lots of different monuments . Our stars of the week from this level are: EmersonD and LachlanG.

The grade 5/6 students have continued with their online study about Leonardo da Vinci. This week it was all about his inventions. Our stars of the week for this level are: Nathan,Liam, Noah and Holly.

Keep up the fabulous work everyone!

Ciao Signora Formichelli

School Assembly, Term 3, Week 8

School Assembly, Term 3, Week 8

Welcome to our virtual assembly for this week…

…or view the captioned version here…

Congratulations to all of our award winners – don’t forget to check your email after assembly where you will find your certificates.

Congratulations also to all of our Father’s Day Raffle winners – some great prizes coming to some lucky dads!

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads in our community for this Sunday. I hope you all get spoilt more than usual!

Stay safe everyone and have a great weekend!



Father’s Day is a day for people to show their appreciation for fathers, grandfathers and father figures. Father figures may include stepfathers, fathers-in-law, guardians (e.g. foster parents), and family friends. This special day reminds us how much we love our fathers, grandfathers and those who are like fathers to us. We take the opportunity to say THANK YOU for all they do for us.

Below is the Prayer Service I have put together for Father’s Day. Some teachers have used this Prayer Service with their classes. Families are also encouraged to pray together as a family using the Prayer Service to recognise and pray for the fathers, grandfathers and father figures in their lives.

What does Physical Education look like during remote learning?

What does Physical Education look like during remote learning?

Holy Trinity comes 13th in the Knox Virtual Olympics!

Congratulations to the following students for winning a medal.

Scarlet Frodsham – Bronze Medal in Seated Basketball

Jarvis Krug – Silver Medal in Sock Put

Isabelle Watt – Bronze Medal in Sock Put

Zeke Stephens – Bronze Medal in Swimming

Xavier Monro & Partner- Gold Medal in Paper Ball Tennis

June Barker – Gold Medal in Hurdles


Holy Trinity students have also done a variety of exercises over the past few weeks, check out Zeke completing one of this week’s activities below.


Week 7 Italian/Performing Arts Stars of the Week!

Week 7 Italian/Performing Arts Stars of the Week!

It has been another fun week in Italian/Performing Arts! The Prep students learnt a new chant called Signor Pollice – Mr Thumb. They recorded themselves saying the chant and doing the actions. It made my day to see the videos and I was very impressed with the way the students acted out the chant! Fantastico lavoro!

The Prep stars of the week are: Jordan and Kaya!

The grade 1/2 students revised the body parts and learnt a new dance. It was great to see the videos of them dancing!

The grade 1/2 stars of the week are: Aarav and Ruby in year 1 and Thomas in year 2.

The grade 3/4 students have been working hard on an online investigation about Italy and completing some more modules in the Languagenut program.

Our stars of the week from this level are: Taya and Zoe B in year 3 and Chantal in year 4.

The grade 5/6 students have continued with their online study about Leonardo da Vinci. This week it was all about the Mona Lisa. Our stars of the week for this level are: Ella G and Charlotte in year 5 and Scarlet, Sunny and Ryan in year 6.

The grade 3-6 students have continued completing modules in the Languagenut program. The class that is leading the charge at the moment is – (insert drum roll here)  – 4 Yellow with an outstanding score of 443,200 points! Eccellente!

Our total medal tally:

3551 Gold

540 Silver

233 Bronze

And our world ranking is – 69.

Keep up the AWESOME work everyone!

Ciao Signora Formichelli