What Is Being A Grade 6 Leader Like?

What Is Being A Grade 6 Leader Like?

Being a Grade 6 leader is something that most students look forward to throughout their years at primary school. One of the most exciting parts of being a year 6 leader is that we get to help the Prep students to settle into school as their buddy. We learn that even though we are their buddy we have a responsibility to help the Prep students to learn the school rules and to always try to use the TORCH values. The grade 6’s also help the Preps to find other students in their year level to play with especially on the playground. We spend time with our Prep buddies during special buddy sessions where the Prep and Year 6 classes get together to complete an activity or lesson. We also work with our Prep buddies during Friendship Groups.

Another big role with being a year 6 leader is doing our leadership roles. Some students are chosen to be a Friendship leader whilst others are an Environment, Learning or Arts leader and each position means that we work with a teacher on that chosen area in the school. I am looking forward to being the Liturgy leader this year because it is an important responsibility in a catholic school. It is a great responsibility being a Grade 6 leader and it is much more than just having a special jacket and wearing a leadership badge.

We hope that the year 6 leaders can help to set a great example for all the students at Holy Trinity in 2021.


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