2019 Sacrament of Eucharist

2019 Sacrament of Eucharist

On Sunday September 8th and Sunday September 15th the Year 3 students, Tonny (from Year 4) and several Parish Catechist students celebrated their First Eucharist Sacrament with their families.

Liam – On  Sunday September 15th most year 3 students and Tonny went to celebrate the sacrament ofFirst Eucharist. First we all sat down. Shortly after that the mass started. Father started to do some prayers. Then there was some readings. After that Miss McGing tapped my shoulder so I went up to receive the host and wine. Then I went back to my seat. Then the mass finished. That night I had a family dinner. 

Mia – I received my First Holy Communion on the 15th of September. Receiving the eucharist is fun because you become one step closer to God. I learned that your parents put your hands on your shoulder. We made a banner and decorated it. I did the First Reading of the mass. Each Monday the Year 3’s were getting together and got ready for the sacrament by learning about it’s importance.

Isabelle C – We all prepared for this very important and special Sacrament of Initiation for weeks and weeks. We made banners and tried the bread and wine for the first time during our Family Faith Night. Then we celebrated the Sacrament at two Sunday Masses. I participated in the first Mass and my family was very proud of me. In fact they brought the family to a restaurant and we had lots of fun.

Mya – On Sunday the 8th of September I celebrated my First Eucharist. To prepare we had hometasks. The first task that we had was about Godparents and Baptism. About the mass I learned that on the day your parents put their hands on your shoulders. I had a reading in the mas. A Lot of people from my family were there which made it feel more special. I only had the host and didn’t have the wine. The sacrament was really fun and I can’t wait for more.

Isaac –  On Sunday September the 8th, I had my First Eucharist. To prepare for the sacrament we had homework about Godparents and baptism, Connections between Baptism and Eucharist, Sacraments of Initiation and we even created our own Eucharist banner. On Monday’s we would get together and do work about the sacrament of the Eucharist.

Bailee – On Sunday, 15th September Year 3s celebrated their First Eucharist. When we preparing for the Sacrament we got some homework such as why do we have godparents?. In the past few weeks I have learnt to bow before receiving the host, kneel and pray after receiving the wine and to say “Amen” when Father says “Body of Christ”.

Abbey – On Sunday 8th September I received my First Eucharist. The Year 3s prepared with home tasks like why we have godparents and what is a Sacrament of Initiation. We also created First Eucharist banners. We had a workshop night too. We learned about the story of Feeding the Five Thousand and had a taste of the bread and wine. When it was time for my First Eucharist my mum and dad came with me. I received the bread and the wine.

James – The Grade 3 Level and Tonny prepared for Eucharist by doing some home tasks and completing a slide presentation. We spent Monday afternoon together working hard to learn about Eucharist and the Mass. I was nervous when I got there because I had a long reading. I was happy when I made my Eucharist.

Jacob – The Grade 3 Level and Tonny from Grade 4 celebrated their First Eucharist with family members. We made a Eucharist banner to display in the church. All of us did a slide presentation. My family came to my First Eucharist. When we had the bread and wine we had to put our writing hand under our other hand.

Leonardo – On Sunday  8th of September it was my First Eucharist. I learned how to receive communion. 3 Blue and 3 Yellow and Tonny from 4 Blue learned about Eucharist on Monday afternoons. I recieved the host and the wine.

Poppy – On my First Communion we had to listen to Father and went to Father and before we take the bread and the wine and went back to our seats and we make a prayer. Then we sang song sounds and that was done. We went to the restaurant to have a meal together. I learned to bow before getting the bread. 

Chloe – On the 8th of September, I made my First Eucharist. My family came to the Eucharist. I thought it was a very exciting day. I liked experiencing my First Eucharist. When you get the host and wine you go back and kneel  down. 

Isabelle W – First we prepared for our Eucharist. I learnt how to walk up to receive the host and wine. We prepared by learning about the Sacrament and practicing. On the day, when it was my turn, my parents put their hands on my shoulders. I had to bow before I received the host. I held my hands out, my left on top and my right underneath. The priest put the host in my hand, then I picked it up. I put the host in my mouth and made the sign of the cross. Then I had the wine. 

Ava – On Sunday 8th September, I made my First Eucharist. I have learned lots about Eucharist that I put my left hand underneath my right hand when receiving the host. My family came to celebrate and I made a banner that was hung up in the church for all the Eucharist masses.

Finnley – On Sunday September the 8th, most of the people from the Year 3 level and Tonny from 4 Blue were making their first Eucharist. Before that we practised singing the songs, practised how to receive the bread and wine. We also got to practice at mass and even got Eucharist home tasks. Until the day arrived. Mass went on for a long time. 

Charlotte – On the 8th I had a wonderful time making my first eucharist. I got to go up and receive a blessed host and sip the blessed wine. I felt a bit nervous at first but then got really excited and was ready to receive Jesus.

Ella D – On Sunday 8th September I made my First Eucharist. During class 3 Yellow joined 3 Blue, learned about Eucharist and practiced for it. We learned about the connection between Baptism and Eucharist. Now that I have made my Eucharist I feel more Holy and Catholic and now I am really welcomed into God’s Life.”

Elliott – On Sunday the 8th, I had my First Eucharist. When it was my turn, I felt very excited that I was making my first Eucharist. I remembered to make the sign of the cross and I had the wine, the blood of Jesus. We made First Eucharist banners that were hung in St Jude’s church which were displayed so everyone who goes into the church knows who was making their Eucharist. After I had a photo with my banner before we left the church.

Tia – On Monday after sport, 3 Blue and 3 Yellow started to learn all about eucharist. We learned that the second person before receiving eucharist has to bow. Also in our spare time we had to create a Eucharist banner. 

Ella G – Every Monday in Term 3, after lunch, 3 Yellow and 3 Blue learnt about the Sacraments of Initiation, though we focused mainly on Eucharist

Angel – When we prepared for the Eucharist we learned about how to receive the body and blood of Christ. We had home tasks about Baptism and Eucharist. We also learned about the sacraments of Initiation. The sacraments are Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Every Monday afternoon we would come together and prepare. In Mass there are 4 parts . The introductory rights, the liturgy of the word, The Liturgy of the EuchArist and the Concluding rites.

Curtis – On the day you need to have your dominant hand at the bottom and make a bowl shape. You need to bow when you are second in line. Then after receiving the bread you step to the side and do the sign of the cross, return to your seat and say a prayer.

Abigail – In class we have been learning how to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist. Some people received on Sunday 8th and others received on Sunday 15th of September. We completed two home tasks and completed a few practice runs to prepare. Everyone was dressed really nicely for this special time. Some people read and did a really good job. When we received, our parents came up with us. At the end of the Mass we all met our parents and family and went home.

Xavier – I learnt that after you receive the bread and wine you kneel and pray. Before you receive the host you need to bow. I also learnt that the Last Supper is connected to the Eucharist. In the Last Supper Jesus knew he was going to die and celebrated a meal with his disciples.

Ben – On Monday afternoon’s the Grade 3’s have been learning about Eucharist. I have learned that there are 4 parts of the mass. We gather, We listen, We Come and We leave. We did tasks at home too. 

Rebecca – In class we learned lots on Eucharist to participate. Although I wasn’t participating in the sacrament of Eucharist I still took part in practicing. We practiced holding the chalice and taking the host (the body of Christ). The wine (the blood of Christ) and praying straight after we had the blood and body of Christ. In practice we tried bowing before we were called up to have the wine and host. I found it interesting that Catholics believe the bread and wine is actually the body and blood of Christ. 

Jordan – In Term 3, on Mondays, the Year 3s and Tonny from Year 4 were preparing for the sacrament of eucharist. After lunch we practices For our Sunday Mass by practicing receiving the bread and wine. At Mass the students were wearing white and black. When the song about bread and wine played all of the First Eucharist students went to the middle aisle to receive their First Eucharist. Some were not drinking the wine because the parents choose not to let them.

Nathan – On Sunday 8th and 15th of September the year 3’s had Eucharist. Mrs Wahrenberger and Miss McGing gave us homework about why we have Godparents, what are the sacraments of Initiation and how Eucharist is connected to a family meal. We also had to make communion banners and they looked really good. All of that helped us a lot to make our First Eucharist.

Divyani – Eucharist is a Sacrament of Initiation. The teachers gave us home tasks to complete. We practiced how to hold and drink the wine from the chalice and how to receive the bread. Tonny (from Grade 4) was receiving his Eucharist too. We compared Baptism and Eucharist. We learnt about the parts of the Mass. I learnt that we had to bow before we receive the Eucharist.

Zeke – Each Monday in Term 3 the year 3 level and Tonny have been learning about the Sacrament of Eucharist. Eucharist is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation. We have had to complete a slide presentation about Eucharist and complete activities such as self reflections. I really enjoyed practicing for the Mass.

Tonny – On Sunday September the 8th I made my First Eucharist with the Year 3’s. We went to St Jude’s church. We learned about how we receive the body and blood. Every Monday we learned about the Sacrament of the Eucharist to practice.

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